Economic Development
Workflow Automation
BizConnect supports system automation of repeatable processes across individuals and groups relating to the way people work and how they interact with internal and external parties. Using configurable triggers, emails, tasks and SMS are automatically sent from the system based on user interactions. Configurable templates are used to create each message and once sent are stored against the relevant contact details for historical purposed and retrieval at a later date.
As users interact with records in the system BizConnect conveniently displays all actionable tasks on a user’s dashboard for easy access and visibility on what tasks need to be actioned in order of date or priority.
By the system sending timely notifications to interested parties of reduces the impact of missing items, promotes efficiency gains and creates a more productive workforce.
Examples of workflow automation that you would expect to see are:
- A confirmation response to all enquires to the party making an enquiry.
- SMS notification upon a permit status change.
- In the case of co-working, notifications are sent to a nominated person for such things as membership being overdue or when an issue has been resolved.
- Tasks assigned to a user based on business logic and displayed on a dashboard.
- Trader parking permit, converting applications to permits and setting permit ID’s for system integration.
Restricted permits or where only a certain number of permits are available is supported in the system and can be viewed quickly to see what permits are active. Automation takes place to ensure the total number of permits are not exceeded and displays the permit expiry date assisting businesses that are wanting a permit a timeframe of when to apply.