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Marketing & Event

Realtime marketing

BizConnect for marketing, consists of two primary modules, along with event management. Both modules include capabilities to create graphical email and design interactive customer journeys to support marketing initiatives. 

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Also known as customer journey orchestration, real-time marketing includes trigger-based customer journeys that use email, text message and push notification communication channels to reach external parties. Real-time marketing allows you to trigger customer journeys in real time based on the signals and rich profile data you collect from your interactions, pick the right channel for each individual business contact. 

  • Respond to customer actions in real time: Respond in the moments that matter with real-time, trigger-based journeys. 
  • Hyper-personalise your messaging: Personalise messages with dynamic text and images from a flexible set of data sources. 
  • Connect with customers on the channels they use the most: Use mobile channels to create text messages and push notifications to reach your customers where they are.