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Marketing & Event

Marketing Forms

A marketing form is an inbound communication channel that allows people to register for newsletters, ask for assistance, etc. The form is defined by a set of input fields arranged into a form layout. 

Each marketing form is made from a collection of fields, buttons, graphical elements, and a few configuration settings. Each field included in your form is linked to an attribute of an entity in BizConnect where information is saved, and based on the information captured can trigger an automated process. 

The real-time marketing form editor allows you to create and publish forms easily and quickly. You can choose a template or start from scratch. You can also design form content using drag-and-drop elements and preview options. Once your form is ready, you can publish the form in one quick step. 

The creation of forms to be published externally can be easily achieved by using the built in form design tools that ship with BizConnect and can be published as an embedded or standalone form. 

Form settings in the header.

The event management application now allows you to use marketing forms for event registrations. You can create forms with a variety of fields, embed forms on your website, and use the forms for event registration.